Migraine Prevention

Stop Grinding & Clenching with the NTI Device and Data II Device

Are you one of the 40 million Americans suffering from migraine tension headaches? Let Dr. Betor custom fit you for an NTI or Data II dental device that helps most patients become migraine-free.

Both devices are small, virtually invisible mouthpiece worn at night that covers only your upper front teeth. The device keeps the back teeth from touching. This means less clenching and grinding of your teeth while you sleep—and often dramatic reduction in jaw soreness and migraine headaches. NTI stands for Nocioceptive Trigeminal Inhibitor, since the device reduces the trigeminal nerve motor hyperactivity that occurs at night.

About one in five people wakes up with degrees of head, neck or facial pain. Both devices have had great success in reducing this pain in 82% of migraine sufferers in a clinical trial.  Dr. Betor has found a similar success rate in his own practice.

The NTI device is custom-fitted by Dr. Betor during one, 30-minute appointment. The Data II device is laboratory fabricated. An impression of the upper teeth and lower teeth is sent to the lab for fabrication within a week. The mouthpiece not only reduces migraine attacks, but also the need for medication to treat migraine pain, which can become costly and debilitating.

A few of Dr. Betor’s patients have gone through years of unsuccessful medical treatment for their migraines, including headache clinics. But with the NTI and Data II device, the majority have had success in just a few weeks of wearing the mouthpiece.

For more information on the NTI and Data II device, call The Dr. Betor Cosmetic Dental Group at (440) 333-3766. You can also visit www.nti-tss.com .

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